About Us
Meditop is one of the trustworthy and leading surgical brands which Offers a thorough line of surgical instruments for a wide variety of specialties. It is an Australian surgical products supplier company, privately-owned with a head office and a distribution center located in Keysborough, Vic 3173 Australia. We supply our best quality surgical products across Australia at a reasonable price.
we currently manufacture and stock a wide selection of products as a professional surgical
supplier, we can provide what you need
Our Mission
Our ultimatum is to provide medical and surgical institutes to fulfil their requirements at best with our top-quality products and affordable prices to help them minimize their products cost with maximum care.
Our Insight
Exceptional Quality products and suitable prices are cornerstones in helping our business to keep growing. Our vision is to build safe space for surgical and medical institutes and buyers by providing them wide range of surgical products at best.
Our specialty in surgical goods will reflect people in our approach to consistently and confidently supply the comprehensive range of surgical products at the quality standard that realistically meet surgical requirements at the price that is truly gratifying which separates us from the rest of the suppliers in Australia.
Why Meditop?
Meditop is an Australian based surgical instruments supplier serving surgical industry with its efficient quality goods and best reasonable price. We take immense contentment of our substantial knowledge, keen understanding and profound expertise in surgical instruments which makes us proficient to supply you best quality products that play a crucial role in surgical procedure and safety of patients.